Cornhill Primary School

Cornhill Drive, Aberdeen

Cornhill Primary School
2018/19 Nursery 3

Nursery Three have planted some vegetables in the garden

This term the children have been learning about Spring and new life. They have planted some vegetables in the planter outdoors. They have planted carrots, onions, broccoli. beetroot, sunflower seeds and some herbs. The children are sharing their knowledge of what they know on how to care for the seedlings now they are beginning to appear in the soil. The children are learning about money and have used money to pay for their snack and in the garden centre role play area during their play. Looking forward to a nice crop at the end of the summer. Please feel free to come and look at the vegetables and the work they are doing in the nursery floor book.

The sunflowers are growing at an alarming rate and we have began using a tape measure to see which one is the biggest and smallest. The children will take them home soon where we hope to get updated on how the flowers are growing.