An update on our learning in Room 3
We have been revising lots of our double letter sounds over the past couple of weeks. We have now learned: qu, ch, sh, th, ng, oo, ee and wh. We have also been practising lots of common words to help us read words we can’t sound out.

In maths we have been learning about capacity and enjoyed following instructions to create our own potions making sure we measured out the ingredients carefully. We have also been practising our double facts and number bonds to 5 and 10.

We always enjoy being creative during our play in Room 3 and here are just a few of our creations.

We have been very fortunate to have a student teacher in our class last term and this term – Miss Stewart – and today will be her final day with us. The children have really enjoyed having her teach with us and we all wish you well as you start your teaching career in August.