Cornhill Primary School

Cornhill Drive, Aberdeen

Cornhill Primary School
P1 Room 3

Room 3’s trip to the woodies

Yesterday we had great fun on our trip to the woodies. The rain stayed away and we all had a great time.

We explored the woodies; safely climbing and navigating the area with our friends. The children found lots of hidden messages and also two children found what they believe to be the Gruffalo’s footprint. We went on a small scavenger hunt and looked for things that were soft, smooth, spiky and things that smelled delicious and then created a picture using the natural objects around us. Finally, we played a very exciting game of camouflage. We had our snack there too, saw some of our local environment on our walk and also practiced our road safety skills (which are very very good!). Everyone was on top form and it was a fantastic day, I hope you all had a brilliant time.