Leaping into learning in room 15
This week in room 15 has been incredibly busy and full of wonderful learning.
In maths this week we have been learning about division. We are learning to divide by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. Some of us are even working with division of 6,7,8! Our strategies focus this week have been on grouping and skip counting. A tricky concept!

As part of our Under the Canopy topic we have been conducting lots of scientific experiments indoors and outdoors. We have been developing our skills in prediction, problem solving, resilience, team work and leadership. We have been learning about the climate of tropical and temperate rainforests. To develop our awareness of these we undertook 3 experiments.
- In teams we have set up rain gauges around the playground and are tracking and recording rainfall and temperature.
- As part of our water cycle focus we created rain clouds in jar. We had to predict how many droplets of food colouring our cloud would hold and then test this.
- We drew the water cycle onto snack bags and added some water. We then stuck these to the class window and are eagerly anticipating what is going to happen. Some predictions have been; the water will disappear, the water will evaporate and the water will turn to rain.