Cornhill Primary School

Cornhill Drive, Aberdeen

Cornhill Primary School
P1/2 Room 5

Thanksgiving, pictographs and tartan.

This week we have been learning the following sounds, b, u, ch and aw. We have been practising our formation, with P1s writing words and the P2s continuing with their sentences.

At the end of last week we were learning about Thanksgiving in America and what it means to children in America now. We discussed what we are thankful for and the children brought tears to my eyes, as they had so many lovely ideas. They made their own collage turkeys which will be displayed with our Thankful tree on the wall. St. Andrew’s day is a more local celebration that we have been learning about, we practised our cutting skills and painting by making our own tartans.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

We were outside creating our own hopscotch and target games, practising counting in 1s, 2s and 10s, with some counting to 2000. This week we have been learning about data handling and how we can display our findings in a pictograph. We watched three funny songs and then voted for our favourite, presenting our data using cubes. We then spoke about our favourite Christmas sweets and made our own class pictograph. A very busy week 😊