Cornhill Primary School

Cornhill Drive, Aberdeen

Cornhill Primary School
P2 Room 6

Room 6 – Writing lists, Clay Creatures and Día de los Muertes

Here are some of the things we were learning last week in Room 6!

-We were learning to write lists so we picked our favourite meals and wrote our own shopping lists of the ingredients we would need for them. We did it altogether on the board using hot dogs as an example!

-We were learning to use a contents page and so we read the book ‘Clay Creatures’ altogether and, using the contents page, we followed the instructions on how to make a clay caterpillar.

-We were learning about ‘Dia de los muertes’, a Mexican celebration in which people lay out food, flowers and photos for their loved ones who have passed away to celebrate their life. We made our own sugar skulls and some ‘papel picado’ which is brightly coloured tissue paper with small symmetrical patterns cut into them once they are folded, these now decorate our classroom!

I hope you enjoy the photos of our learning last week!