Cornhill Primary School

Cornhill Drive, Aberdeen

Cornhill Primary School

Fabulous and Famous Finale 🕺🏽💃🏿🍏🍌🍓🍇🥒🥕🥪

Our Fabulous and Famous topic has come to an end. We have really enjoyed this topic and decided too celebrate it is style by having a Disney class party. In preparation for our party we went on a trip to Aldi to purchase food items. Each group had a shopping list and a budget of £5. We all had a grown up helper. While purchasing our items we had to locate them, record the price, bag them and then write our total cost. Once back at school we had to calculate our change.

After playtime we then got to choose and create our own sandwich and fruit kebab. We had to be very careful when chopping! We had some Disney music as we did it. In the afternoon we enjoyed our snacks with some milk/water.

It was great 👍