Look at what our busy bees have been up to this week!
Spin and read spelling game
“c-a-n, can!”
“I love this game!”
CVC spelling
(Consonant, vowel, consonant)
Shape CVC words
Working hard
Random adjective/noun fun!
Noun and adjective revision/making sentences so much more interesting!
Fun reading follow up!
Pyramid spelling
Predicting the ending of a Moomin story and writing about it.
Tricky spelling!
Book work!
We predicted the pet in the story would be an alligator, but it was a ssssssssnake!
“A pet called cucumber”
Talking about character feelings – but using words other than happy/sad.
Middle vowel sounds.
Sequencing tasks
Super spelling of common words.
Dictation using our spelling words.
Health week writing using our special Paw Patrol pen!
Initial sound revision
CVC spelling.
Well done!
More sequencing activities.