7th – 11th December 2020
On Monday morning we came in and found the Elf had been taking selfies around the classroom over the weekend! What a cheeky elf!
We’ve been getting right into the swing of Christmas by decorating our class in preparation for filming our Christmas video next week, and it was Christmas Jumper Day on Friday so we all came dressed in our cosy jumpers. In amongst all this, we’re still learning new things and consolidating what we already know.
Our learning was focused around:
- recognising, forming, reading and writing words with the h and w letter sounds
- consolidating our learning of the u and b sounds, by creating umbrellas and bees
- reading in our groups – talking about the features of a book, using the pictures to help retell the story, recognising common words and blending sounds to read new words
- counting to 20, recognising different ways of showing the same amount up to 20, and completing missing number lines up to 20
- place value – introducing the concept of tens and ones using tens sticks
- Hanukkah – the Jewish festival – creating menorahs and beautiful new temples
- and using our fine motor and creativity skills to turn room 4 into a Christmas room!!
Have a look below at our week.