Cornhill Primary School

Cornhill Drive, Aberdeen

Cornhill Primary School
P6 Room 8

P6 Room 8 Weekly Update!

We have had a great first term in P6 and have all settled in really well. To see a round up of what we have learnt this term, check out the latest announcement on Google Classroom! A reminder of all Google Classroom log ins will go home at the start of next term, however, can be given tomorrow if necessary.

This term we were inspired by our novel ‘The Boy in the Dress’ to create our very own maagzines! Within the magazines, we created pages featuring our clothes designs, moodboards, fact files about different countries around the world, a writers feature detailing our interests, advice columns about how to deal with different emotions and situations as well as much more! We have really enjoyed creating these and pictures of them can be found below!

Have a lovely and relaxing October Holidays!