Sequencing and Snowmen ⛄️
”How do you build a snowman?”, is the question that P1/2 have been asked this week. We have continued to learn about instructional writing over the last two weeks by sequencing pictures and writing the instructions. One pupil in our class decided to share his learning, by teaching others in the class how to draw a snowman. He gave clear instructions so that they could understand. It is so inspirational to see the children learn from each other.
The primary ones have been using a variety of resources to support their understanding of addition and the primary twos chose a counting in 2s challenge. We all continued to investigate money by counting in 1p, 2p, 10p, 20p and 50p up to the value of £2. Last week we explored pattern by using loose parts to create our own rangoli patterns and demonstrated our patience and determination by threading beads to make a bracelet.
We have been consolidating our sounds by painting and playing games to help us recognise and blend words. Continuing with our topic of Festivals and Celebrations we have been learning about Thanksgiving and discussing what we we are thankful for. It was funny to hear that Turkey can also be eaten at Thanksgiving, which is just like many of us at Christmas. We have started to make our own turkey collages using the colours red, orange and brown. As we can’t invite you into the school at the moment we would also like to share some of our displays. We hope you like them 😊.