Cornhill Primary School

Cornhill Drive, Aberdeen

Cornhill Primary School

Dental Nurse in Nursery

The dental nurse Karen came to talk the children in nursery this week, reminding the children to brush their teeth twice a day for at least 2 mins and when brushing their teeth they need to do it in a circular movement. Karen played a game with the children, she had 2 baskets & they had to decide whether the food or drinks were good for their teeth or not.

Karen also left us some, tooth brushing, mirrors & animals so we could practise brushing our teeth.



Also this week the children have had so much fun playing with the marbles, & the tubes. The children have been  working on taking turns, sharing, tidy up the marbles to keep everyone safe & problem solving with different sizes of marbles fitting down the tubes. Some of the children decided to put the box/pot at the bottom of the tubes to catch the marbles as the flow down.