Cornhill Primary School

Cornhill Drive, Aberdeen

Cornhill Primary School
2018/19 Enhanced Learning Room

Back in business!

Apologies for the lack of posts from the ELR due to absence, but you can now expect weekly updates from Miss Devlin and Mrs Carrington to let you see what we’ve been up to!

Here is a snapshot of what we were doing in literacy last week.

Writing a story – focussing on using joining words.
Story writing
More story writing!
Reading for information and re-telling the story in our own words.
Super spelling! (and lovely handwriting!) Well done Kacper!
Literacy based bingo.
ai/ay/a_e board game
Recognising initial sounds of objects
Roll and read for the “ai” sound.
Using ICT to consolidate our learning of spelling.
Revising punctuation and editing sentences.
Pokemon Adventure Story! To be continued…..
Verbs and tenses (past and present)
3 key word instructions. Once I had done the task, Miss Devlin was tested too! Here I am giving her instructions!
Story sequencing (4 part) Here I am after ordering the pictures, telling Miss Devlin what is happening in the story.
Writing about the picture with only a little bit of help.
Find me a……..”t”
Phoneme pop!
Pop all the m’s!
Pop a “p”.